Church Material S/No. 001
Fungu ya 1
Iko waumini ‘malaya‘ ya kiimani (samahani kwa maneno hii ngumu). Inarukaruka kama kangaroo! You will suffer Biblical malnutrition if not faith kwashiorkor. Mimi sijui kiswahili yake ya maneno hiyo ya kimombo. Tafuteni huko. Glue yourself in one church! Kaa kwa kanisa moja utulie. Acha kurukaruka kama kangaroo ya Australia.
Wakati fulani Malaika ako anatumwa kwa a certain church to locate a certain specific person for his or her package of blessings. Malaika ako anafika, wala hawesi locate you anywhere in the church. Manake umekwisa ruka kwa Nabii hii, kwa Mutume ile, kwa Muchungaji hii, kwa Mwinjilisti ile au Mwalimu hii. Tulia kwa nyumba ya Bwana ili uwe shaped. Utengenesewe direction ya baraka sako.
Ndio sababu wakati ingine ninyi wenyewe mnakuwa cause ya Muchungaji kuwachuna pesa. Kila akitasama new faces. Akigeuka pande hii, new faces! Akigeuka pande ile, new faces. Leo mutu iko, keso haiko. Sasa Muchungaji siku akikamata wewe anasughulika na wewe kikamilifu. Anahakikisa anakamua wewe hadi damu atoke. Anahakikisa hurudi nyumbani hata na ndururu moja. Anapiga staili hii ya kugusa kiatu kwa alufu kumi kumi. Akimalisa, analeta staili ile ya kugusa gari yake mupya kwa alufu tanotano. Kwasababu you are optimistic church fellow! He don’t care about you! Kwasababu wewe mwenyewe one leg in, another leg out! Wacha hiyo maneno mutu ya Mungu. Tulia kwa nyumba ya Bwana. Na wewe Muchungaji, have manners, don’t corrupt the church. Wacha kuwa mukora kwa kutumia Jina ya Yesu kitapeli! Itakugharimu!
Muchungaji, the issue of going to heaven is not like going to Bilicanas Night Club. No! You must work hard. You must abide yourself with the laws and all instructions as given in the Book of Life. Is all about building your strong relationship with Jesus Christ. Is all about understanding your call. Live it. Carry it and disseminate the seeds of love to the people of God. Is all about regaining people of God from possession of the Devil and re-direct them back to the Lord. Not using sheep of Jesus Christ as your fuel station where you just go to refuel your car. Stop that Man of God! Stop that I repeat again. Freely you have been given, freely you shall charge. Stop doing business in what you call the house of the Lord. Listen Servant of God, if truly you have a call, that Ministry does not belong to you but the Lord. So, He know where it is today, where it will be tomorrow more than what you think about it. Relax. You have been called to serve the SHEEP not the real estates or cars!
Hii sitafsiri. Inabaki hifyo hifyo. Ukiona nimekuusi, simple, nenda ndarasa ya kiingeresa. Mbona mimi niko kwa ndarasa ya kiswahili – BAKITA?
Sikilisa mupendwa. Kuwa na tabia ya kutengenesa address yako. Wacha church yote ijue hii position iko ya fulani, yeye ndo huwa anakaaga kipande hii. Hata iweje uko unakaaga hapo. Pavuje pasivuje unakaaga hapo. Hata Malaika wajue hivyo, siku wakikuja kukutafuta, wakukutage hapo. Tengenesa identity yako ndani ya kanisa. Tengenesa identity yako katika utoaji yako. Tengenesa identity yako kwa namna unavyojitoa kwa kanisa siku sote sa maisha yako. Acha kuwa mukiristo ya masowea. Be focused. Look at Calvary. Look at the cross of salvation that Jesus Christ carried it for you. Readjust yourself now. The time of reckoning and salvation is now! Take heed man of God!
Pst. Anyango Anyango, PhD
Tuonane Fungu ya 2
© Presenter:
Abraham Blessings